Finest Call Bloody Mary Mix 1Ltr
Enhance your bar’s cocktail selection with Finest Call Bloody Mary drink mix. This premium blend is based on the same scratch recipe that made the Bloody Mary famous nearly a century ago. It creates a slightly spicy Bloody Mary cocktail, perfect for those who prefer a milder version, using a classic spice blend of garlic, onion, celery and ground pepper. Pre-mixed and ready to use, it saves valuable prep time, allowing bartenders to focus on service.
Finest Call Premium Cocktail Mixes are crafted from the highest quality fruits, harvested at their peak ripeness to ensure the freshest flavour possible. Made with bartenders in mind, each bottle of Finest Call mix is specially designed to reduce drips and keep your bar free of spills and messes. The long bottle neck and easy-pouring top ensure a perfect pour every time, while the closure cap solves the problem of storing unused portions.
Ingredients – Tomato juice from concentrate, vinegar, salt, lemon juice, ADDITIVES, Worcestershire sauce (water, vinegar, salt, molasses, spices, garlic powder, smoke flavouring, natural flavouring, onion powder), jalapeno pepper, natural flavouring, sodium benzoate, celery seed oil, sodium metabisulphite.
Nutritional Info (per 100ml): Energy: 18.34 Kcal/KJ, Fat: 0.11g, of which saturates: 0.02g, Carbohydrates: 4.24g, of which sugars: 2.05g, Fibre: 1g, Protein: 0.88g, Salt: 1.35g.
Storage Instructions: keep cool and away from direct sunlight, heat sources.
Caters to those who prefer a milder Bloody Mary
Made using 96% juice from California Roma tomatoes
Easy pouring top and cap for effortless use
All packaging is 100% recyclable
No need for refrigeration, freeing up valuable bar space
Designed and created for the professional bartender
Cocktail Mixers
Fruit Purees and Cocktail Mixe
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