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Whilst we are one of the UK’s largest independent catering equipment suppliers, we are still very much a small family business. We work extremely hard to provide the best of the best for our customers.
We do however, understand that sometimes we or our partners get it wrong, but we are here to put it right. Your feedback today is very important and this is why we offer a £100 monthly price draw on all feedback submitted.
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It will take 60 seconds to complete the short survey and you are in the chance to get £100 in cash or store credit.
Catering Centre
We are at 403 Charlotte House, Queens Dock Business Centre, 67-83 Norfolk Street,
Liverpool, L1 0BG
We are Open from 9am to 6pm Mon-Fri. Out of hours React Service also available click here
Catering Centre by Restaurant Projects Ltd.
Registered in the UK Number: 12355412 VAT Number:345001838
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